At some point in life, you must go through the awful experience of loosing a loved one. The pain is real, deep and felt in every fibre of your being. Not only do you feel deep emotional pain but this can also cause physical symptoms too, such as;
Anxiety/panic attacks
Weight loss or gain
Digestive issues
Aches and pains in the body
Extreme Fatigue
A feeling of disconnection
The inability to function day to day
Grief can also relate, not only to the death of a person you love but also, the loss of a job, home, pet or treasured item. When we feel loss it can be debilitating, especially when linked to a traumatic or sudden event and unfortunately this is the human condition; we are all at some point in our lives witness to loss, grief and trauma.
The great Mark Epstein quotes in his book 'The Trauma of Everyday Life':
"It is hard to imagine the scope of an individual life without envisioning some kind of trauma, and it is hard for most people to know what to do about it."
"Keep Calm and Carry On" was a term coined by the Shadow Ministry of Information at some point in1939. This sentiment is still used prolifically and seems to be the valued norm today in the UK and (especially up north in Leeds) of how to manage life in a crisis. Grieving, swallow your pain and get on with it seems to be the expected norm.
The problem with leaving emotions relating to bereavement, loss, grief or trauma pushed down inside, is that your physical body then has to hold all of that pain, rather than working through it, processing and releasing it, so you can move forward.
In Bessel Van Der Kolk's book 'The Body Keeps A Score' he explains that;
"After trauma the world is experienced with a different nervous system. The survivor’s energy now becomes focused on suppressing inner chaos, at the expense of spontaneous involvement in their lives. These attempts to maintain control over unbearable physiological reactions can result in a whole range of physical symptoms, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and other autoimmune diseases. This explains why it is critical for trauma treatment to engage the entire organism, body, mind, and brain."
So what is Reiki? And how can it help to support grief and bereavement?
Reiki is a complementary treatment, similar to mindfulness and meditation. It looks to sooth, heal connect and most importantly relax mind, body and spirit. It's a wonderful support to western medicine and is used in a number of ways to help support anyone who is holding onto past trauma, suffering from grief, bereavement or loss of any kind.
During a reiki session you will be asked to lay down on a massage table fully clothed and concentrate on your breathing. The reiki therapist will place their hands on your body or just above your body, they will work down your body, starting at your head and moving to key points relating to Chakras (energy centres found near glands in the body). The reiki therapist will ensure that your privacy, modesty and dignity are respected at all times.
When the body is relaxed via reiki, it's in a restorative state, it soothes the nervous system and this allows the body to release and relax. As the body is no longer in high alert it can work on areas that need extra support. This restful state then supports further physical healing in the body, as the body is no longer in a state of discombobulation, it has time to concentrate its healing where it is needed the most.
The results are varied and impressive, here are some of the benefits of how reiki can support grief, bereavement and loss:
Promotes relaxation
Gives the recipient a break from the intense feelings of grief/bad news
Calms the nervous system
Release trapped emotions
Relief from pain or tension in the body
Improves Sleep
Improves digestion
Can help with better circulation
Has been proven to reduce heart rate
Reduces anxiety and depression
If you are grieving or have experienced a recent loss and need a safe space to work through the pain, please get in touch for a free consultation.